Swearing in British English can be quite an art form—often combining humour, sarcasm, and just enough cheekiness to keep things interesting. The swear word bollocks is a prime example of this, so let’s have a look at what this classic British swear word means, where it comes from, and—most importantly—how you can use it (with plenty of examples, of course).
Many of us, all over the world gather with family during December and January. Perhaps you’ve just celebrated a family Christmas or a New Year’s Dinner with your loved ones, or maybe you’re preparing for Lunar New Year and a chance to catch up with more distant relatives. Today I’ve got a useful list of English collocations with the word family, along with their meanings and example sentences.
Hey everyone and happy New Year! As English learners, you might be setting fresh goals for the year ahead—like improving your English listening skills, expanding your English vocabulary, or becoming more confident in your English conversations. These goals can feel challenging, but having a few idioms in your toolkit will give you the language to express yourself and speak about your plans and intentions fluently. Today I’ve got 8 English idioms you can use to talk about your goals.