9 Ways to Say You’re Bad at Something – Speak English Like A Brit

British people have a reputation for being self-deprecating. Instead of confidently stating our abilities, we often downplay them, even when we are quite good at something. This can be confusing for English learners, especially if they are used to a more direct way of speaking. Rather than simply saying, I’m not very good at tennis, a Brit might say, I’m completely useless at tennis. Instead of I struggle with yoga, we might say, I’m totally hopeless at yoga.

In this blog post, I’ll teach you nine British expressions for saying that you’re bad at something. These phrases are informal, and while they are great for everyday conversations, they wouldn’t be appropriate in a job interview, where you should focus on highlighting your strengths rather than putting yourself down.

1. I’m Rubbish at Something

This is a very common British phrase to say that you’re bad at something. It’s informal and widely used in everyday speech.


  • I’m rubbish at telling jokes – I always forget the punchline.

  • I’m rubbish at remembering passwords – I have to reset them every time I log in.

2. I’m Absolutely Useless at Something

This phrase sounds quite dramatic, but British people tend to use exaggeration for comedic effect, particularly when talking about their weaknesses.


  • I’m absolutely useless at driving. I don’t enjoy it either.

  • I’m absolutely useless at wrapping gifts. Luckily, my daughter is good at it, so she does all the present-wrapping in this house.

3. I Haven’t Got a Clue How to Do Something

This phrase means that you have no idea how to do something. It’s often used humorously, even when you do have some knowledge but lack confidence in your ability.


  • I haven’t got a clue how to make YouTube videos – I’m just figuring it out as I go along.

  • I haven’t got a clue how to play chess. I know the rules, but I’m terrible at strategy.

4. I’m Shit at Something

This is a much stronger, more vulgar way to say that you’re bad at something. It should only be used in very informal situations or with people you know well.


  • I’m shit at dancing. I have no rhythm whatsoever.

  • I’m shit at directions – I get lost even when I have Google Maps open.

5. I’m Crap at Something

This is a slightly milder version of a swear word, but still informal. It’s not offensive, but it’s not something you would use in a professional setting.


  • I’m a bit crap at buying presents. I never know what to get people.

  • I’m crap at cooking. Everything I make turns out burnt or bland.

6. It’s Not Exactly My Strong Point

This is a softer way of saying that you’re not very good at something. It’s slightly more polite and can be used in both casual and semi-formal situations.


  • Maths isn’t exactly my strong point. I always preferred languages at school.

  • DIY isn’t exactly my strong point. I usually make things worse when I try to fix them.

7. I Made a Complete Mess of Something

This phrase is used when you attempt to do something but fail miserably.


  • I made a complete mess of parking the car. It took me five attempts.

  • I made a complete mess of that recipe. It was barely edible.

8. I Made a Complete Pig’s Ear of Something

This is a very British expression that means you’ve done something badly or made a complete mess of it.


  • I made a complete pig’s ear of decorating my daughter’s bedroom. The paint was the wrong colour and the finish was awful.

  • I tried to fix my laptop, but I made a complete pig’s ear of it and now it won’t even turn on.

9. I’m Completely Hopeless at Something

This is another common phrase that exaggerates how bad you are at something.


  • I’m totally hopeless at small talk. I never know what to say in awkward social situations.

  • I’m completely hopeless at running. I get out of breath after a few minutes.

These expressions are a great way to sound more natural when speaking British English. While self-deprecating humour is a big part of British culture, it’s important to find a balance—don’t be too negative about yourself all the time!


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