How to improve your conversation skills in English

Tips and tricks on how to become better at conversation in English as a foreign language.

Today we’re looking at a topic that's essential for anyone looking to enhance their communication skills in English: how to have better conversations. Whether you're a professional, a student, or just someone who loves to chat, these tips are designed to help you navigate your conversations with confidence and ease.

1. The Importance of Listening

The ability to listen is at the core of any good conversation, yet many people struggle with it. Effective listening means giving your full attention to the speaker, maintaining eye contact, and responding appropriately—not just waiting for your turn to speak.

Listening can be challenging in your native language and even more so in a foreign language. One technique I practice with my students is reflective listening, which involves paraphrasing what someone has said to show you understand. For example, you might say, "So you're saying that..." and then restate what the person has conveyed. This not only shows you're paying attention but also clarifies any misunderstandings.

While you don't need to paraphrase everything, doing so for key points can be very helpful. Paying attention to someone's facial expressions can also provide clues about the importance of what they're saying. Being observant without scrutinizing every movement helps in understanding the emotional weight behind their words.

2. Understanding Body Language

Body language—gestures, facial expressions, and posture—plays a significant role in conveying interest and enthusiasm during a conversation. A simple smile can make a huge difference, conveying warmth and openness. This helps to break down language barriers and makes interactions more comfortable.

In online conversation classes, I often don't see a student's smile for the first 10 or 15 minutes due to their anxiety and concentration. When they finally smile, it's an instant icebreaker and makes both of us feel more comfortable. Relaxing your body language can help you appear more approachable and less tense.

It's also important not to invade someone's personal space. While this isn't an issue in online classes, it's crucial in face-to-face interactions. Respecting personal boundaries is key, especially when meeting new people.

3. Making Others Feel Important

Making the other person feel important is crucial for good conversation. Listening and asking relevant questions show that you're interested in what they're saying. Open-ended questions, which require more than a yes or no answer, keep the conversation flowing. Using someone's name in conversation also makes them feel respected and valued.

4. Sharing Personal Stories

Sharing personal stories can make conversations more memorable and relatable. Little anecdotes provide context and help you connect on a deeper level. Being authentic and true to yourself, while avoiding oversharing, allows others to see the real you and fosters genuine connections.

5. Practicing Patience

Patience is essential in conversations. Don't rush your words or interrupt. Reflect on what you're going to say and respect the other person's speaking time. Patience makes for a more thoughtful and respectful conversation. Practice whenever you can and don't fear making mistakes. No one is judging you as harshly as you might be judging yourself.


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