How to Talk About Self-Care in English: 10 Phrasal Verbs

Self-care is more than a buzzword—it’s a vital practice for maintaining your physical, mental, and emotional well-being. In English, there are many ways to talk about self-care, and phrasal verbs are a great tool to express this. Whether you're discussing how to manage stress or explaining the importance of setting boundaries, these phrasal verbs will help you communicate your self-care habits effectively.

Here are 10 phrasal verbs you can use to talk about self-care with definitions and example sentences.

1. Cut Back

When life feels overwhelming, one of the first things to do is cut back on activities or habits that drain your energy. This could be work, social commitments, or even something as simple as cutting back on screen time.

  • Example: I’ve decided to cut back on late-night Netflix so I can get more sleep.

2. Slow Down

In a fast-paced world, it's essential to slow down. Rushing through life can cause burnout, so taking a moment to breathe and relax is key to self-care.

  • Example: I realised I was doing too much, so I had to slow down and focus on my health.

3. Turn Off / Switch Off

Sometimes, the best way to care for yourself is to turn off or switch off the noise—whether that’s your phone, social media, or other distractions. Unplugging allows you to focus on rest and rejuvenation.

  • Example: I try to turn off my phone for an hour each day to enjoy some quiet time.

4. Look After

Self-care is about learning to look after yourself as much as you look after others. This means prioritising your own needs and ensuring that your physical and emotional well-being comes first.

  • Example: You need to look after yourself before you can help others.

5. Get Out

Sometimes, the best thing you can do for your mental health is to get out of your usual environment. Whether it’s a short walk or a weekend trip, a change of scenery can help reset your mind.

  • Example: When I’m feeling stressed, I get out of the house for a walk.

6. Tune Into

Self-care starts with self-awareness. Tune into your emotions, thoughts, and body to understand what you need. This could mean noticing when you're tired, stressed, or just in need of a break.

  • Example: I’m trying to tune into how I’m feeling instead of pushing myself too hard.

7. Feel Up To

Not every day is a high-energy day, and that’s okay. Sometimes you may not feel up to doing something, and it’s important to respect those feelings. Only do what you can manage, and give yourself permission to rest.

  • Example: I didn’t feel up to going out tonight, so I stayed in and watched a movie instead.

8. Get Away

When life feels overwhelming, it might be time to get away for a while. Whether it’s a holiday or just a mental break, stepping away from your routine can help you recharge.

  • Example: I’m planning to get away for the weekend to focus on self-care.

9. Check In (with oneself)

It’s important to regularly check in with yourself to see how you're feeling emotionally, mentally, and physically. This can help you identify when you need to take a break or make changes to your routine.

  • Example: I like to check in with myself at the end of each week to see how I’m managing stress.

10. Let Go

Self-care often means learning to let go of things you can’t control—whether it’s work stress, personal expectations, or negative thoughts. Letting go is a powerful way to protect your mental health.

  • Example: I’m learning to let go of perfectionism and just do my best.

Why Self-Care Matters

Self-care isn’t selfish—it’s necessary for leading a balanced and healthy life. By incorporating these phrasal verbs into your conversations, you’ll not only improve your English but also strengthen your ability to communicate the importance of self-care with others.

Self-care is a journey, not a destination. As you continue to navigate the ups and downs of life, remember to check in with yourself, slow down when needed, and let go of unnecessary stress. These phrasal verbs can serve as a reminder to prioritize your well-being every day.


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