Learn common English phrasal verbs with run

When learning English, mastering phrasal verbs can significantly boost your confidence and effectiveness in communication. Phrasal verbs are commonly used in daily conversation and can add nuance to your speech. Let's explore the following everyday phrasal verbs with run: to run over, to run after, to run out of, to run through, to run away, to run into, and to run up.

We'll define each one and provide examples to help you use them effortlessly in your English conversations.

To run over

Definition: To knock down and pass over someone or something with a vehicle; to review or explain quickly.


  • I accidentally ran over a squirrel on my way to work.

  • Before the meeting, let's run over the agenda one more time.

English phrasal verbs with run- to run over

To run after

Definition: To chase or pursue someone or something.


  • The dog ran after the ball with great enthusiasm.

English phrasal verbs with run- to run after

To run out of

Definition: To deplete the supply of something.


  • We've run out of milk, so I'll need to buy some more.

  • She ran out of time before she could finish the exam.

English phrasal verbs with run-  to run out of

To run through

Definition: To go through something quickly, often for rehearsal or review.


  • Let's run through the script once more before the play starts.

  • He ran through the park every morning as part of his exercise routine.

English phrasal verbs with run- to run through

To run away

Definition: To leave a place or situation secretly and suddenly; to escape.


  • The teenager ran away from home after an argument with her parents.

  • The criminal ran away before the police could catch him.

English phrasal verbs with run- to run away

To run into

Definition: To meet someone unexpectedly; to encounter a problem or difficulty.


  • I ran into an old friend at the supermarket yesterday.

  • We ran into some technical issues during the presentation.

English phrasal verbs with run- to run into

To run up

Definition: To accumulate or increase a debt or bill.


  • She ran up a huge credit card bill during the holiday season.

English phrasal verbs with run-  to run up

Understanding and using these phrasal verbs can make your English more dynamic and expressive. Try incorporating them into your conversations to see how they can enhance your ability to communicate effectively.

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