Learn English phrasal verbs with put.

Why are phrasal verbs important?

Learning phrasal verbs is essential for learners of English who seek to communicate fluently, naturally, and effectively in various situations, whether casual conversations, professional settings, or academic environments. They are an indispensable part of the language's fabric, enriching communication and facilitating meaningful interactions between speakers and listeners.

Phrasal verbs with put

Today we’re going to look at a list of phrasal verbs with put, uncovering their meanings and providing examples and pictures.

While memorising them might seem daunting at first, regular practice and exposure to real-life contexts will gradually solidify your understanding.

To put aside

Meaning: To reserve or save something for later use; to set something aside for a specific purpose.

Example: She decided to put aside some money every month for her dream holiday.

phrasal verb put aside picture

To put across

Meaning: To communicate or express an idea clearly and effectively.

Example: The speaker struggled to put her ideas across to the audience.

To put up with

Meaning: To tolerate or endure something unpleasant or difficult.

Example: Despite the noise from the construction site, they had to put up with it until the project was completed.

phrasal verb put up with picture

To put on (weight)

Meaning: To gain weight.

Example: Since starting college, he had put on quite a bit of weight due to irregular eating habits.

phrasal verb put on picture

To put away

Meaning: To tidy up or store something in its proper place.

Example: After dinner, she always made sure to put away the dishes before relaxing.

To put on


  • a. To wear clothing or accessories.

  • Example: She put on her favorite dress for the party.

  • b. To pretend or feign.

  • Example: He tried to put on a brave face despite his nervousness.

To put someone down

Meaning: To criticize or belittle someone.

Example: It's not constructive to constantly put your colleagues down in front of others.

phrasal verb put down picture

To put together


  • a. To assemble or construct something.

  • Example: They put together a puzzle during their family game night.

  • b. To organise or arrange something.

  • Example: She quickly put together a plan for the project.

To put off

Meaning: To postpone or delay something.

Example: They decided to put off their holiday until next year due to unexpected expenses.

phrasal verb put off  picture

Can you think of any other English phrasal verbs with put?


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