Negative adjectives to describe people in English

Think of a dreadful character in a TV show or book. How would you describe them in English?

Describing people is a common part of communication, whether you're talking about someone you've met, discussing fictional characters, or expressing your feelings about a situation. Today, we'll look at some negative English adjectives used to describe people and explore their meanings with example sentences.


Definition: Having an exaggerated sense of one's own importance or abilities.

Example Sentence: Despite his lack of experience, he was so arrogant that he believed he deserved the promotion more than anyone else.

Vocabulary- negative adjectives to describe people- arrogant


Definition: Having or revealing an obstinate belief in the superiority of one's own opinions and a prejudiced intolerance of the opinions of others.

Example Sentence: Her bigoted remarks during the meeting made everyone uncomfortable and highlighted her unwillingness to accept different viewpoints.

Vocabulary- negative adjectives to describe people- bigoted


Definition: Having or showing a strong or unreasoning desire for revenge.

Example Sentence: After losing the debate, he became vindictive, spreading rumours about his opponent to damage her reputation.

Vocabulary- negative adjectives to describe people- vindictive


Definition: Thinking only of oneself, without regard for the feelings or desires of others; self-centered.

Example Sentence: His egocentric behavior was evident when he planned the entire trip according to his preferences, ignoring everyone else's wishes.

Vocabulary- negative adjectives to describe people- egocentric


Definition: Having or showing a tendency to be quickly irritated or provoked.

Example Sentence: She grew impatient waiting for the slow computer to load, tapping her fingers on the desk in frustration.

Vocabulary- negative adjectives to describe people- impatient


Definition: Sullen and ill-tempered.

Example Sentence: After receiving the bad news, he became morose, barely speaking to anyone and isolating himself in his office.

Vocabulary- negative adjectives to describe people- morose


Definition: Concerned with trivial matters, especially in a small-minded or spiteful way.

Example Sentence: His petty complaints about minor inconveniences made him difficult to work with and alienated his colleagues.

Vocabulary- negative adjectives to describe people- petty


Definition: Ready or likely to attack or confront; characterized by or resulting from aggression.

Example Sentence: Her aggressive tone during the negotiation put everyone on edge and hindered the possibility of a collaborative agreement.

Vocabulary- negative adjectives to describe people- aggressive

Why Understanding These Adjectives Matters

Mastering these English adjectives can significantly improve your ability to describe complex personalities and behaviours accurately. This skill is valuable in various contexts, from professional settings to personal interactions. By using these words correctly, you can convey precise emotions and observations, making your communication more effective and nuanced.

Tips for Using Negative Adjectives

  1. Context Matters: Ensure that the context in which you use these adjectives is appropriate. Misusing them can lead to misunderstandings or offense.

  2. Balance Your Descriptions: While it's useful to know negative adjectives, also learn positive adjectives to describe people. This will help you provide balanced and fair descriptions.

  3. Practice Makes Perfect: Try incorporating these words into your daily conversations or writing exercises. The more you use them, the more natural they will become.


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