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Talking about expectation in English.
Jo Asker Jo Asker

Talking about expectation in English.

This week in one of my English conversation classes we listened to an episode of David Robson’s The Expectation Effect  on BBC Radio 4 exploring how our expectations can effect our health, happiness and productivity.

Students discussed some of the issues raised Robson’s book, looking at the language we use to talk about expectations. They also talked about the expectations placed on them by family, friends and society as well as exploring the expectations that they place on themselves in their personal and professional lives. I’ve listed some of the vocabulary elicited from our conversations below.

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SMART goals for learning English as a foreign language.
Jo Asker Jo Asker

SMART goals for learning English as a foreign language.

Have you ever set a goal for yourself, but then struggled to actually follow through and achieve it? You're not alone - many people have a hard time setting and achieving goals. But there's a way to make your goals more effective, and it's called SMART goals. And they can be applied to your English learning goals.

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