Talking about disappointment in English as a second language.

In a speaking lesson this week, my student and I looked at an article in which the writer described experiencing a crushing disappointment. It’s a universal feeling that we all experience at some point in our lives. Whether it’s not getting the job we interviewed for, failing an exam or simply being let down by a friend at the last minute, the sense of disappointment can leave us feeling a bit deflated, at best.

Within the English language there are multiple ways to talk about and express our feelings about being disappointed. This is some of the language we explored in class.

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To let down

  • Meaning: To disappoint someone; to fail to meet someone's expectations.

  • Example Sentence: I trusted my friend to complete the project, but he completely let me down by not finishing it on time.

To fall short

  • Meaning: To not reach a particular standard or goal; to be insufficient.

  • Example Sentence: Despite their efforts, the team fell short of winning the championship by just one point.

To end up disappointed:

  • Meaning: To experience disappointment as a result of a situation or outcome.

  • Example Sentence: We were excited about the trip, but ended up disappointed due to the continuous rain and canceled outdoor activities.

To turn out badly

  • Meaning: To have a negative or unfavorable outcome.

  • Example Sentence: The experiment seemed promising, but unfortunately, it turned out badly with unexpected side effects.

To backfire

  • Meaning: To have the opposite effect than intended; to fail unexpectedly.

  • Example Sentence: His attempt to make a joke during the serious meeting completely backfired, causing tension instead of lightening the mood.

Hopes were dashed

  • Meaning: To experience a sudden and complete disappointment; to see one's expectations shattered.

  • Example Sentence: Our hopes were dashed when the long-awaited concert was canceled at the last minute.


  • Meaning: To feel extremely disappointed or upset about something.

  • Example Sentence: After working tirelessly on the project, I was absolutely gutted to learn that it didn't meet the client's expectations.

An anticlimax

  • Meaning: A disappointing or unsatisfying conclusion to an event that was built up with high expectations.

  • Example Sentence: The movie's ending was such an anticlimax; after a thrilling plot, it concluded abruptly, leaving the audience unsatisfied.


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