Talking About Procrastination in English

Whether it's putting off a daunting work assignment, delaying a household chore, or postponing a personal project, we've all been guilty of procrastinating at some point. In this blog post, we will explore five expressions that capture the essence of procrastination, shedding light on the different ways we choose to delay tasks.

Drag Your Feet

To ‘drag your feet’ is to move slowly and reluctantly when it comes to tackling a task or making a decision. It's as if you have heavy weights attached to your ankles, causing you to move at a snail's pace. This expression perfectly encapsulates the feeling of putting off something you'd rather not do because of its perceived difficulty or unpleasantness.

Example: I've been dragging my feet on starting that research paper; it just seems so daunting.

Leave It for Another Day

‘Leave it for another day’ is a straightforward and direct way of describing procrastination. It acknowledges the act of consciously deciding to delay a task until some undetermined future point. This expression often implies that the task will remain unresolved, sitting on your to-do list indefinitely.

Example: I'll leave cleaning the garage for another day; I have more important things to do right now.

leave it for another day procrastination

Put Something Off Until the Last Minute

This expression captures the essence of waiting until it’s almost too late to complete a task. It suggests that you've postponed something for so long that you're now forced to scramble and complete it in a rush, usually resulting in less-than-ideal outcomes.

Example: I always put off studying for exams until the last minute, and it never ends well.

put something off until the last minute procrastination

Put Something on the Back Burner

When you ‘put something on the back burner,’ you are delaying a task intentionally while you focus on other, more immediate matters. It's like temporarily setting a task aside while it simmers in the background, waiting for your attention. This expression acknowledges that you haven't forgotten about the task, but you're simply not addressing it at the moment.

Example: I've put my home renovation project on the back burner because of work commitments.

Wait Until the Eleventh Hour

‘Waiting until the eleventh hour’ is a vivid expression that emphasizes the urgency and impending deadline associated with a task. It often implies that you're taking a significant risk by delaying action, hoping that somehow, you can pull everything together at the last possible moment.

Example: I can't believe I waited until the eleventh hour to book my flight. The prices have skyrocketed!


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