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Ways to talk about work-life balance in English
Jo Asker Jo Asker

Ways to talk about work-life balance in English

Work-life balance is a subject my students and I often talk about in their English conversation classes and while we may not have come up with a magic answer for achieving it in our lives , we have come up with some good ways to talk about the topic in English. The following expressions, idioms and vocabulary will equip you with some of the language needed to discuss work-life balance.

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English phrasal verbs to talk about food and eating
Jo Asker Jo Asker

English phrasal verbs to talk about food and eating

Imagine you're starving after a long day of studying. What do you do? You "wolf down" your meal! This phrasal verb means to eat something quickly and greedily. So, the next time you're in a hurry or simply can't resist your favorite dish, you can use "wolf down" to describe how you ate.

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English idioms about enthusiasm
Jo Asker Jo Asker

English idioms about enthusiasm

Are you ready to add some zest and zeal to your English language skills? Today, we're diving into the world of English idioms that capture the essence of enthusiasm. There are example sentences included so you can see each idiom in use. Let’s get started.

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Talking about the great British Summer in English.
Jo Asker Jo Asker

Talking about the great British Summer in English.

Today, I want to look at a topic that holds a special place in the hearts of many Britons: the notorious British Summer weather! While England is known for its picturesque landscapes and historic charm, the weather can often be quite unpredictable and, well, a tad miserable. So, let's explore some key vocabulary and expressions related to the less-than-ideal weather you might encounter during your time in the United Kingdom.

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8 Ways to say ‘No problem’ in English
Jo Asker Jo Asker

8 Ways to say ‘No problem’ in English

Today I’ve got eight alternative expressions to say "no problem" in English. With these phrases you can communicate your willingness to help or assure others that their concerns are unnecessary.

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Ways to talk about fear in English
Jo Asker Jo Asker

Ways to talk about fear in English

In this blog post, we’ll explore a variety of ways to talk about all sorts of fears in English. Whether you are afraid of speaking English in an interview or you have a phobia of spiders, there are a whole variety of terms that you can use to express your fear.

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English Idioms for talking about money.
Jo Asker Jo Asker

English Idioms for talking about money.

Learning a new language involves more than just grammar and vocabulary. Understanding idioms and expressions is key to truly grasping the nuances of a language. Idioms are phrases that have figurative meanings, often reflecting cultural and historical references. In the realm of finance, money-related idioms play a significant role in everyday conversation. In this blog post, we will explore some common idioms related to money, so let’s get started.

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Phrasal verbs for talking about money.
Jo Asker Jo Asker

Phrasal verbs for talking about money.

One essential aspect of English that often poses challenges for students is phrasal verbs. In this blog post, we will focus on phrasal verbs related to money. By understanding and incorporating these expressions into your language repertoire, you'll be well-equipped to discuss financial matters confidently. Let's delve into the world of phrasal verbs and their meanings with relevant examples.

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What is a cliché?
Jo Asker Jo Asker

What is a cliché?

A cliché, in simple terms, is a phrase or expression that has been used so frequently that it has lost some of its original impact. These phrases have become so ingrained in our language that they often evoke a sense of familiarity. While some may view clichés as overused and lacking creativity, they still hold a special place in our communication toolbox.

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Talking about books and reading in English.
Jo Asker Jo Asker

Talking about books and reading in English.

Are you a bibliophile, a bookworm or an avid reader?

Whether you’re talking about your favourite piece of literature in your IELTs speaking test or just recommending a novel to a friend, this article aims to provide you with some of the vocabulary and expressions that will come in useful for talking about reading and books in English.

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English word of the week - mundane.
Jo Asker Jo Asker

English word of the week - mundane.

The English word "mundane" is an adjective that refers to something that is ordinary, everyday and not very interesting. It is often used to describe things that are dull, tedious, or unexciting.

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English Idioms about sadness.
Jo Asker Jo Asker

English Idioms about sadness.

In this blog, we will explore English idioms about sadness, which are commonly used in everyday conversation. EFL students who learn these idioms will be better equipped to understand and participate in English conversations that include expressions of emotions.

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Talking about conspiracy theories in English.
Jo Asker Jo Asker

Talking about conspiracy theories in English.

Conspiracy theories have been around for centuries, but they have gained more attention in recent years, especially with the rise of social media. These theories can range from harmless and humorous to harmful and dangerous. In this article, we will explore the vocabulary and language associated with conspiracy theories.

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13 Phrasal verbs for talking about health.
Jo Asker Jo Asker

13 Phrasal verbs for talking about health.

When it comes to talking about health, there are a number of phrasal verbs that are commonly used. So let’s have a look at them.

Dose up

To ‘dose up’ means to take a medication, vitamin, or supplement in a large or excessive quantity. For example, if you have a cold, you might dose up on vitamin C to help boost your immune system. This phrasal verb is often used when talking about taking medication or supplements to improve your health or treat a specific condition.

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English phrases and expressions - go with the flow
Jo Asker Jo Asker

English phrases and expressions - go with the flow

The English phrase ‘to go with the flow’ has become a staple in everyday conversation, but have you ever stopped to think about what it actually means? In this blog post, we will explore the meaning and usage of this popular English expression.

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Phrasal verbs for talking about music.
Jo Asker Jo Asker

Phrasal verbs for talking about music.

Music is a universal language that connects people across cultures and backgrounds. To talk about music in English, you need a rich vocabulary, including phrasal verbs. Phrasal verbs are multi-word verbs that consist of a base verb and one or two particles. They are often idiomatic, meaning they don't have a direct translation and are used in specific contexts.

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English Phrases and Expressions - To put someone on the spot
Jo Asker Jo Asker

English Phrases and Expressions - To put someone on the spot

The English idiomatic expression ‘to put someone on the spot’ means to put someone in an uncomfortable or difficult situation by putting them under sudden pressure to respond, answer, or make a decision. It often creates discomfort, awkwardness or embarrassment for the person being put on the spot.

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