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Learn English idioms for talking about problems
Jo Asker Jo Asker

Learn English idioms for talking about problems

Recently we’ve been exploring the English language that we can use to speak about problems; collocations, phrasal verbs, vocabulary and so on. Today, continuing on this theme, we’re going to take a look at some of the idioms that frequently get used when talking about problems in English. As always, I’ve included definitions, plus example sentences so that you can try to introduce this idiomatic language into your conversations.

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Ways to ask for help at work in English
Jo Asker Jo Asker

Ways to ask for help at work in English

Imagine this scenario: You're faced with a challenging task at work, and despite your best efforts, you're stuck. What do you do? How do you overcome the language barrier to seek assistance confidently?

Let's explore some useful English expressions to ask for help.

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Learn English vocabulary for talking about rest and relaxation.
Jo Asker Jo Asker

Learn English vocabulary for talking about rest and relaxation.

Are you always ‘rushed off your feet?’ (very busy)

Life can be hectic and sometimes, it’s necessary to slow down, recharge your batteries and get some rest. Today we’re looking at some English vocabulary you can use for talking about relaxation, including meanings and example sentences.

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Learn 10 ways to say something is boring in English
Jo Asker Jo Asker

Learn 10 ways to say something is boring in English

Despite our attempts to live our best lives, sometimes life is dull, monotonous and a bit boring. Today we look at the difference between the adjectives ‘bored’ and ‘boring’ and explore some useful ways to say something is ‘boring’ in English. Read on for the synonyms, expressions and vocabulary to help you talk about boredom in English with meanings and example sentences.

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Learn English collocations with keep.
Jo Asker Jo Asker

Learn English collocations with keep.

Today we’re going to try out some essential English collocations with the word ‘keep,’ exploring their definitions and looking at example sentences. Think about how you could use these collocations in your own life.

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Learn English for talking about persuasion.
Jo Asker Jo Asker

Learn English for talking about persuasion.

This week in one of my English conversation classes a student was talking about a book they had recently read called Influence, The Psychology of Persuasion by Robert B Cialdini. During the class we explored some of the language that can be used for talking about talking about persuasion in English, including vocabulary, idioms and phrases.

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Learn English idioms with colour - meanings and examples.
Jo Asker Jo Asker

Learn English idioms with colour - meanings and examples.

Familiarising yourself with idiomatic language when learning a second language is important because it enhances communication, deepens cultural understanding, improves comprehension and adds expressiveness to language use.

Today I’ve got a selection of English idioms with colour including their meanings and example sentences.

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Learn English phrasal verbs with put.
Jo Asker Jo Asker

Learn English phrasal verbs with put.

Today we’re going to look at a list of phrasal verbs with ‘put,’ uncovering their meanings and providing examples and pictures.

While memorising them might seem daunting at first, regular practice and exposure to real-life contexts and conversations will gradually solidify your understanding.

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English vocabulary and phrases for talking about friendship.
Jo Asker Jo Asker

English vocabulary and phrases for talking about friendship.

What do your friends mean to you? -Exploring the language we can use to talk about friendship in English

In one of my English conversation classes this week, a student spoke about the importance of her friendships explaining that for her, friendship is not just about sharing laughs and good times; it's about having someone to lean on when things get tough.

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Learn English idioms related to the mind.
Jo Asker Jo Asker

Learn English idioms related to the mind.

In my English conversation classes this week a student and I were talking about the importance of mindset and we explored some of the language that is used to talk about the mind more generally in English, including idioms. Have you ever been in two minds about something? Have you got anything on your mind at the moment? Read on, for more English idioms about the mind.

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12 English idioms for talking about family.
Jo Asker Jo Asker

12 English idioms for talking about family.

English, like many other languages, is rich with idiomatic expressions that beautifully (and not so beautifully) capture the nuances of family relationships. In this blog post, we delve into some popular idioms used to talk about your nearest and dearest. See if any of them are relevant or could be used to talk about your own family. Surely every family has a few skeletons in the cupboard!

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Learn English slang - late to the party.
Jo Asker Jo Asker

Learn English slang - late to the party.

Are you feeling like you're ‘late to the party’ when it comes to understanding English slang? Don't worry; you're not alone! Slang terms often pop up in conversations, movies, and social media, leaving many English learners feeling a bit lost. But fear not! Today, we're going to shed some light on one such phrase: ‘late to the party.’

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Learn English phrasal verbs related to education and study.
Jo Asker Jo Asker

Learn English phrasal verbs related to education and study.

Today, we're looking at English phrasal verbs related to study and education. These verbs are indispensable tools for expressing concepts and actions commonly encountered in learning and academic settings. Whether you're a college student or a lifelong learner, incorporating these phrasal verbs into your vocabulary will enhance your ability to articulate ideas effectively in English.

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Ways to say you’re sure about something in English.
Jo Asker Jo Asker

Ways to say you’re sure about something in English.

Mastering English isn't just about grammar rules and vocabulary; it's also about learning how to use the nuances of expression. Today we’re going to look at how we can convey certainty about something in English. Whether you're engaging in a debate, expressing your opinion, or simply affirming a fact, being able to express confidence in English can significantly enhance your communication skills.

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English collocations with imagination.
Jo Asker Jo Asker

English collocations with imagination.

This week, in her English conversation class, a student wanted to talk about her child’s creativity. The conversation developed into a discussion about imagination and we compared the imagination of a child to that of an adult. During our conversation we explored some of the language we can use to talk about creativity and imagination, including collocations that are commonly used with the word imagination.

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Talking about resilience in English.
Jo Asker Jo Asker

Talking about resilience in English.

Just like in life, language learning is fraught with obstacles – whether it's mastering complex grammar rules, overcoming pronunciation challenges, or facing moments of self-doubt. However, by embracing the spirit of resilience, learners can transform setbacks into stepping stones towards linguistic proficiency.

Let’s look at some of the language we can use to talk about resilience, specifically in your English learning journey.

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English idioms for talking about sadness.
Jo Asker Jo Asker

English idioms for talking about sadness.

Learning English idiomatic expressions can be useful, both in understanding and expressing emotional nuances. Today we’re looking at using idioms to talk about sadness in English. Everybody feels sadness from time to time and these idioms can be used for everything from feeling a vague sense of dissatisfaction (down in the dumps) to being devastated by an event (to be knocked sideways/ to be cut up about something.) Hopefully you won’t be needing this idioms any time soon!

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Learn English expressions for talking about uncertainty.
Jo Asker Jo Asker

Learn English expressions for talking about uncertainty.

it’s not unusual to find ourselves in a position where we don’t know what is going to happen next. Nothing is ever completely certain in either our professional or personal lives or even on a global scale.

In this blog post, we'll explore five essential English expressions to help you talk about and understand conversations about uncertainty. Imagine how you could apply each of the following expressions to your own experiences and try to incorporate it into a sentence.

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English expressions- what does it mean to be tone-deaf?
Jo Asker Jo Asker

English expressions- what does it mean to be tone-deaf?

Have you ever heard of an individual or organisation being described as tone-deaf? The accusation is probably not referring to their ability to discern musical notes, but rather their social awareness and sensitivity. Describing someone or an entity as ‘tone-deaf’ suggests that they are oblivious or indifferent to the emotions, concerns, or cultural nuances of a situation. It's like they're out of sync with the prevailing sentiment or mood, leading to misunderstandings or even offence.

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